A.S. Watson Group - Give a Smile Campaign

Gold Stevie Award Winner 2018, Click to Enter The 2019 Asia Pacific Sevie Awards Stevie Awards

Name of Organization / Company: A.S. Watson Group, Hong Kong, China
Category: Award for Innovation in Community Relations or Public Service Communications

Entry Title: Give a Smile Campaign



Cleft lip and palate are rarely seen for babies in developed countries – so people have no idea about the severity of this issue. But the fact is - cleft lip and palate happen to around 1 child in 750 and may ruin the child's whole life, those in developing countries suffer most.

Due to the lack of public awareness in developed countries, we need to figure out how to build the awareness, arouse the public empathy for the patients and their families and raise fund for them.

Therefore, “Give a Smile”, the company’s first global CSR campaign was launched.

Goal - To Drum Up People’s Support and Raise Fund for Free Surgery Strategy

Make it Viral, with technology
- To raise the public awareness and draw people’s attention to the “Give a Smile” campaign, tried to educate our colleagues and customers about the cleft issues via our stores worldwide, traditional media and social media, spreading the message to everyone we touch.

Make it Personal, with emotion
- To maximise the positive impact of the campaign, we turn people’s compassion into action, making it a personal, impressive life experience. We called on our colleagues to join the medical mission as volunteers who then share their memorable experience to people around them. This definitely helps create words- of- mouth effect.


Phase 1: Launch to staff & VIP customers

Engage our Colleagues
To kick off the campaign with our 140,000 colleagues:
• Painting competition to educate them about the cleft issues
• Charity sales to raise funds
• Smile Café to raise the awareness to solicit donation

Engage our Customers
To call for our customers’ support via our 14,900 stores:
• Charity sales
• Suppliers partnership
• AR technology experience
• Point donation via eStore, App and checkout

Phase 2: Official Launch – Announced to Media Globally Right Timing

• To announce the programme on World Smile Day
• Smartly amplified awareness by leveraging this global movement - all children with cleft lip or palate have the rights to smile

Right Audience

• Not only targeted local media but also global and international media to gain cross- border exposure Right Message
• To tailor the message for different media according to their location and audience
• To make sure the main messages can be delivered clearly and accurately Phase 3: Hypercharge Social Reach by technology

Innovative Social Media Campaigns to engage those who don’t see Cleft as an issue

• Smile Profile Frame
• AR Smile Changer
• ‘Behind the Smile’ Story Challenge
• AI Smile Meter
• Single hashtag strategy - #IGIVEASMILE Celebrities and KOLs Help Create Buzz
• Celebrities and KOLs were invited to support the campaign by participating in the activities above and share with their fans/followers on social media.

From staff volunteer to advocate

• Called on our colleagues to join the medical mission we sponsored in China and Philippines and get in touch with the patients and their families in person
• Four Give a Smile medical missions were held in 2018. A total of 358 patients received live changing surgeries.

Amplify by Partnership with Internet Giant on Social Media

We partnered with Tencent in its 9.9 Charity Day and developed a HTML5 interactive game with WeChat to attract 78 million people joining the movement to “swipe the rabbit (cleft) away”, successfully got matching donation from third party and got Top 1 WeChat index on launch period.


A SUCCESSFUL integrated Launch Donation generated: HKD4 million+ PR Value: HKD8.5 million+
PR ROI: 1,317%
In- kind donation at HK$8m worth of goods so that Operation Smile can resell and get even more extra funding MASSIVE EXPOSURE on Social Media
Widely supported by celebrities and KOL Reach : 123 million+
Engagement : 11 million+
Engagement rate: 10%


Campaign pdf: https://vo-general.s3.amazonaws.com/d41a0740-7bab-4985-83c6-71c47cf0bc3c/aa4c4b4c-b1c6-4f3a-b729-ed4f37fdad96?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ4PRWO26HAX3IOCA&Expires=1647272949&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22APAC%20Stevie%20Awards_C01-Innovation%20in%20Community%20Relations%20or%20Public%20Service%20Communications.pdf%22&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&Signature=dwaFdsZSw7GZpz3mOZlysVBcWsI%3D

Video: https://vo-general.s3.amazonaws.com/d41a0740-7bab-4985-83c6-71c47cf0bc3c/00a05044-5a31-4d73-b3aa-70a65e3fd40b?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ4PRWO26HAX3IOCA&Expires=1647272949&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22ASW%20Give%20a%20Smile%20Campaign%20Case%20Video.mp4%22&response-content-type=video%2Fmp4&Signature=0TDZrd%2BO1dzFKAfSIEdlHK5%2BPS0%3D